How to Good Morning
Everything goes smoothly some mornings. You get out of bed before the alarm goes off. Your early-morning jog seems like fun. The coffee is better tasting.
Additionally, there is no traffic when you enter the office. You also feel like you can take on the world when you sit down to start working.
Other days aren’t entirely like that.
Experts believe there are a few things you can do to encourage your mornings in that direction, so you can make the most of the rest of your day, too, even though you can’t prevent every unpleasant morning situation that might come your way.
According to productivity guru and coach Ellen Goodwin, “If you wake up [excited], you’re going to carry that energy through the rest of the day.” According to Goodwin, setting your mind up for success in the morning by achieving small victories like being dressed and prepared to go, working out, and leaving on time.
But she adds that you’re already behind if you get off to a bad start in the morning.
She emphasizes that this means you’ll have to make the most of the energy you do have in order to improve your emotional state. (Recall how you managed your stress the last time you were caught in a traffic nightmare or a malfunctioning public transportation system.)
It’s important to remember that the morning may make or break the rest of your day. Here are the top five best things you can do to start your day right:
#1) Make a plan!
Creating a plan the night before should be one of the most effective things you can do to start your day off on the right foot. It doesn’t have to be a minute-by-minute schedule, but it should outline the main tasks or goals you want to achieve the following day as well as how you want to spend the morning.
Make sure you have the ingredients for a nutritious breakfast available and lay out the clothes you’ll wear. It helps to plan for the little things that could slow you down. The goal is to prevent “choice fatigue.” Habits that allow you to leave the house in the morning without worrying about decisions give you more willpower to decide on [other] critical matters later in the day.
#2) Refuse to take a nap
Although it may appear as though you’re listening to your body by allowing yourself a few extra minutes of sleep, you’re probably doing more harm than good in the long run. Because it doesn’t last long enough for your body to complete another sleep cycle, those extra 10 minutes of sleep tend to be of low quality and light.
One of the most important things you can do to feel energized and prepared to wake up every morning is to maintain a regular sleep routine.
#3) Ingest water
You can either ice it, add cucumber or lemon, or just drink it straight.
We become dehydrated at night (especially if nature calls and you have to use the restroom in the early morning). A few glasses of water early thing in the morning can assist your body in rehydrating.
Additionally, it jump-starts your metabolism (since the body relies on water to keep all your digestive processes running smoothly).
#4) Meditate
Quieting the brain is an age-old approach to being more creative, reflective, and in touch with oneself.
Some people may not necessarily experience an increase in energy after meditating, but because it improves our ability to think clearly and effectively, it should result in a day that is much more productive.
#5) Exercise
You will be rewarded if you gather the willpower to begin sweating right away.
Exercise releases endorphins, essentially the body’s natural painkillers and brain chemicals that help reduce pain and discomfort and promote well-being. Additionally, endorphins can lower stress hormones, letting you start the day unhindered and in charge.

#6) Experiencing the sun outside
Want to get even more out of that early workout?
Do it in the sunshine outside!
Exposure to sunshine first thing in the morning signals your body clock that it is time to begin the day.
A whole branch of science called chronobiology has demonstrated that light is what causes the body to cease manufacturing melatonin, the hormone that instructs the body to go to sleep and to become more awake.
Conversely, specialists know that a lack of daily exposure to natural light can result in mood issues, including despair and poor energy.
If getting natural light is not an option, studies show that using precisely timed bright light therapy (with artificial bright light) can produce some of the same benefits for your body clock as the sun.
This is especially true for people with mood disorders, circadian rhythm disorders, or jet lag. A doctor can help you locate a safe and effective treatment before you try it, but it’s important to remember that not all artificial light has the same effect.
#7) Coffee at home
Have your caffeine first thing in the morning if a cup of coffee or tea gets your morning off to a good start.
There is ample evidence that it makes most individuals feel more awake and less drowsy. Additionally, despite the negative connotations associated with coffee consumption, many studies indicate that it can have some positive health effects when consumed in moderation.
#8) Have a healthy breakfast
Since food is the source of all of your body’s energy, it stands to reason that eating breakfast is one of the most energetic things you can do.
Our metabolism performs better in the morning. This indicates that the body is better equipped to convert the calories you consume into energy you can use in the morning.
It is advised to eat shortly after waking up, ideally within two hours.
Include some protein as well as healthy carbohydrates (like fruit or whole grains) in your morning meal, and avoid donuts and other sugar-rich foods.
#9) Invest time in your loved ones and friends
Spend some time eating breakfast with your loved ones.
While getting ready or while walking to the office, call someone who makes you joyful. Being among people we like and adore can significantly improve our mood and energy levels.
Stressful encounters with family and friends have the opposite effect and can swiftly lower your mood and your productivity!
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