Be Content
This is contentment: knowing that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, doing what I am supposed to be doing and that everyone else is doing precisely what they are supposed to be doing.
The first step in changing where or what you are doing is to find contentment with where you are and what you are doing right now. Paradoxically that’s what attracts opportunities and invitations to be somewhere else!
Because you are a living magnet, one of your greatest appealing qualities is satisfaction. According to the law of attraction, you will attract people and circumstances into your life based on your prevailing ideas. Being content in the present draws the best future.
Keep an Open Mind to Life’s Many Opportunities For Growth & Adventure
Relationships will become guarded and unsatisfying if we let anger and resentment linger internally. We become more alien to ourselves the more we wall off from others. We may maintain our open and loving nature by letting go of sadness and negativity. The only way to realize our full potential is to keep an open mind to life’s many opportunities for growth and adventure.
Worry and the Circle of Influence
Make a list of the problems that bother you the most, then determine whether or not they fall within your sphere of influence. Consider what you can actually do to effectively affect each one of them. You may learn a lot about your degree of positivity by figuring out which of these two circles occupies the most of your time and energy.
People that are optimistic concentrate on issues they can influence. They adjust their mindset as needed. They are conscious that while they might be unable to change the external conditions, they can alter their internal attitude. Being innovative, thinking differently, being receptive to listening, being more understanding, communicative, and exhibiting greater solidarity are all aspects of positive thinking.
Reactive people concentrate on the issues in their immediate environment and on external factors beyond their control. They respond to flaws perceived in other people. This anxiety can lead to accusations, damaging criticism, feelings of guilt, angry words, and weak and frustrated feelings. They want other people or the situation to change first, and then they will change after that. The issue arises whenever they believe that the issue is external to them. The area of influence shrinks due to the negative energy created by this strategy and the lack of focus on where they could take action to make things better. They empower the outside world so that it can rule over them.
In other words, they believe that something outside must first change before they can change. This is known as the “outside towards the inside” theory.
Message for the day
The one with persistent good intentions is the one who is responsible.
What it tells you: Being responsible entails understanding the significance of one’s own contribution. It follows that there is the knowledge that one’s own transformation depends on the transformation of others. There is a natural state of alertness when one understands their role. Even those who are not positive receive well wishes because of this vigilance.
What you should experience: When I can keep a positive attitude toward everyone I come into contact with, I see that my relationships steadily improve. I also discover that before I can consider altering others, I am prepared to take on the challenge of changing myself. As a result, I continue to serve as a source of inspiration for others who then change for the better.
This book will help you to manifest wealth abundance through the power of thank you. As you read this book, you can practically identify and eliminate your limiting beliefs about money. After reading this book, you also learn how to upgrade your mindset and level up your wealth frequency. You then understand that — MONEY LOVES YOU, AND IT CAN BUY HAPPINESS.