- Are you ready to enjoy the advantages of walking?
- Can you truly get fit by walking?
Of course! Start right away.
Here’s how to get going—and keep your motivation high.
#6 Powerful Steps
A) Know the advantages
Exercise doesn’t have to be challenging. You can live healthier by doing something as simple as going for a regular brisk stroll.
For instance, you can benefit from routine brisk walking if you:
- Keep a healthy weight and reduce body fat
- Prevent or treat several illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
- Boost cardiovascular health
- Build up your muscles and bones
- Amplify your muscle endurance
- Boost your energy levels
- Boost your sleep, memory, thinking, and mood
- Improve your coordination and balance
- Improve immune system
- Reduce tension and stress
The advantages increase if you walk faster, further, and more frequently. For instance, you might begin as an average walker and gradually increase your speed until you can, like power walkers, cover a mile in less time than an average walker. This can be a fantastic way to get some aerobic exercise, strengthen your heart, and build endurance, all while burning calories.
Alternatively, you might alternate between quick and relaxing walking. Numerous advantages of this interval training include increased calorie burn and improved cardiovascular health. And compared to usual walking, interval training is quicker.
B) Think about your approach
You need proper posture and deliberate movements to transform your everyday stroll into a stride for fitness. Ideally, you’ll appear as follows when you’re walking:
- You’re looking up. Not at the ground, but forward, you’re gazing.
- Your shoulders, back, and neck are all relaxed and not rigidly upright.
- Your elbows are slightly bowed as you freely swing your arms. It’s acceptable to pump your arms a little.
- Your back is straight, not arched forward or backward, and your abdominal muscles are mildly contracted.
- Smoothly sliding your foot from heel to toe, you walk.
C) Make a routine plan
- Get the correct gear before you begin your walking program
Choose shoes with a solid heel and thick, flexible bottoms to protect your feet from shock and provide correct arch support.
Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing and weather-appropriate equipment, including layers in cooler conditions. Wearing clothing that wicks away sweat will keep you more comfortable. If you go outside after dark, be visible by wearing bright clothing or reflective tape. If you’re going outside during the day, use sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses.
Some folks decide to utilize a pedometer, an app, or an activity tracker. Keep track of your time, distance, heart rate, and calories; these can be useful.
2. Pick your path carefully
If you plan to stroll outside, avoid paths with uneven turf, low-hanging limbs, damaged sidewalks, and potholes, if possible.
Consider strolling in a mall with open hours for walkers if the weather isn’t suitable.
3. Get warm
Take a gentle stroll to warm up your muscles for five to ten minutes and get your body ready for activity.
4. Become calm
Walk slowly for five to ten minutes after you finish your stroll to help your muscles calm down.
5. Stretch
Stretch your muscles gently once you’ve finished cooling off. Remember to warm up before you walk if you’d prefer to stretch first.
D) Set reasonable expectations
The Department of Health and Human Services suggests the following exercise recommendations for the majority of healthy adults:
- Aerobic Exercise
Get 75 minutes of severe aerobic exercise, 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, or a combination of the two per week. The instructions advise spreading out this activity over the course of a week. Even more, activity will have a positive impact on your health. But even a little bit of exercise is beneficial. Short bursts of activity spread throughout the day might add up to positive health effects.
2. Exercising Your Muscles
At least twice a week, perform strength-training activities for all the major muscle groups. Each exercise should be performed once with a weight or resistance level that causes your muscles to become fatigued after 12 to 15 repetitions.
Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day as a general objective. If you cannot allot so much time, try spreading out your activities over multiple short periods. Anything you do is preferable to doing nothing at all. Even tiny levels of physical activity are beneficial, and daily activity accumulation positively impacts health.
Remember that starting out slowly is okay, especially if you haven’t been exercising frequently. In the first week, you could commit to five minutes every day; in the following weeks, you could add five to your commitment until you have at least 30 minutes.
Aim for at least 60 minutes of physical activity most days of the week for even greater health benefits.
E) Monitor your progress
You can see where you started and get inspiration by keeping track of how many steps you take, how far you walk, and how long it takes. Imagine how satisfied you will be when you discover how many miles you have covered each week, month, and year.
To compute steps and distance, try using a pedometer, an app, or an activity tracker. Alternately, include these statistics in a walking journal.
F) Remain motivated
A walking program must be initiated. It requires a commitment to stick with it. To remain motivated:
- Start preparing to succeed
Begin by setting a straightforward objective, such as, “I’ll go for a 5-or 10-minute walk during my lunch break.” Set a new objective, such as “I’ll walk for 20 minutes after work,” once your 5-or 10-minute stroll becomes habitual.
Set aside time for walks. You could soon be able to accomplish objectives that once seemed unattainable.
2. Make your walk pleasant
If you don’t like to stroll alone, ask a friend or neighbor to come along with you. If you get your energy from groups, join a health club or walking group. While walking, you might enjoy listening to music.
3. Change up your routine
Plan many different routes if you stroll outside for diversity. If you frequently stroll in your neighborhood, maybe about explore a new location, such as a city or state park. As you get more accustomed to walking, try exploring routes that include hills or stairwells. Alternately, walk more quickly for a short while, then more slowly. Then, repeat the process. Tell someone where you’re going if you’re walking alone. Walk in areas that are well-lit and safe.
4. Accept missing days with grace
Don’t give up if you start skipping your daily walks. Get back on track after reminding yourself how great you feel after daily physical activity.
You’ll be headed in the right direction after you take that initial step toward greater health.
The purpose of some books is to make you feel good; very few books are made for transformation. This book is for absolute self-transformation. This is not just a book but a practical workshop on self-motivation. If you want to go beyond learning and develop the sense and quality of self-motivation, this is the book for you!
The examples & exercises covered in this book are authentic and based on the author’s personal experiences & extensive research over many years. This book will change how you perceive self-motivation while stripping self-motivation itself of its mystique.
The magical techniques shared in this book are not something the author invented on his own; instead, they are ancient and used by many successful people worldwide. Since they have worked for them, it should also work for you.
This book talks about a few magical techniques that you can practice to remain motivated during the whole day, every day.