The greatest jewelry in the world is your own nobility. Your own best companion in the world is your determined thought. Those who do not wish for anything receive everything. Renounce that happiness in which there is sorrow for others.
Have Hope & Develop Faith
To be cooperative to someone who is being good to you, and to get the cooperation of “good” people is easy. But not always do we get people’s cooperation consistently. When we don’t, it affects the task and our own state of mind negatively. True cooperation comes from a vision of hope and faith in each and every individual we come into contact with. When we have this vision, we are able to give cooperation in the right way to people. And we are also able to get their cooperation at all times for all tasks, for we will be able to inspire the best in them.
This is Why You Should Return to The Inner Seat of Mental Comfort and Peace
At the end of a busy and hurry filled and many a times even peaceless day at office, everyone goes home, to do what? Even a housewife, who has had a busy day in the kitchen and with the children, will yearn to do want at the end of the day?
Sit, lie down, relax and experience peace. Just as each one of us returns home or to the comfort of the bedroom at the end of each day; each time we experience any of the various forms of anger in our words or actions or even in our thoughts, sooner or later, we will try to return to what we instinctively and intuitively know is the truth, what is right and good, to the inner seat of our own mental comfort and peace, which is our original and basic sanskara, peacelessness being an acquired one.
It’s as if we know when we are set on this seat that we have access to our inner power. It’s as if we know that we can only be comfortable, powerful, blissful and content when we are first peaceful.
Sitting on this seat also provides us with the ability and the power to influence others. A proof of the fact is that all of us have, sometime or the other, known someone who lived their life peacefully but assertively (not weakly or timidly). They expressed themselves peacefully and interacted with others free of any traces of anger in their personality, and they stayed, more or less, positively peaceful and peacefully positive.
We remember that person for much longer than the one who is always finding an excuse to use the weapon of anger when things or people do not go his way or get things or people to be as he would want. The peaceful nature of another makes a deeper and more lasting impression on our hearts than the angry nature of another. And when we are in the presence of such a peaceful person, we always allow them into our lives much more and for longer periods of time. In the same way, when we function from our inner seat of mental peace, we are able to influence others and make a lasting impression on others much more.
You Can Turn Your Qualities into Powers
An important aspect of God or the Supreme Being, remembered throughout history in all cultures and traditions, has been the concept of God being an Almighty Authority. The interpretation of this concept has been varied, however:
Some have conceived a God who is fearsome and revengeful and one who punishes. That is very different from the experience of God, in meditation, as a gentle, benevolent (generous), merciful parent; as a teacher of absolute spiritual wisdom or knowledge, but a wisdom that has total humility, and is free from the demands of ego.
Yet, it is also the experience of the soul that God is the Almighty Authority, the source of all power and strength. When I meditate and connect with the Supreme, I experience a state of truth in which the combination of all the original qualities of the soul — peace, love, purity, wisdom and happiness — fills me with a positive power — a power that overcomes negativity in myself and others, so that those I am connected with become better able to experience their own truth. This power also extends to my physical surroundings, transforming the atmosphere around me.
There are interesting spiritual parallels to the way the physical sciences differentiate energy and power. In physical terms, energy is defined as the capacity of doing work. Power is defined as the rate of doing work.
Similarly, we can look upon spiritual energy as our capacity for experiencing the original qualities of the soul. We all have this capacity, but to different degrees. Spiritual power is then seen as the extent to which we put these qualities to work in difficult situations and in our relationships. Spiritual power helps us remain in a state of truth, in the face of the various tests that come. Also, our actions and relationships give us an opportunity to utilize the power we have accumulated.
The qualities of God experienced in meditation are also the original qualities of the soul, but the link with God is essential for us to enhance these qualities inside us. In fact God, too, needs the connection with us, despite having these qualities to the highest degree, in order to exercise his power to restore truth to the world.
There are eight key spiritual powers (power to tolerate, accommodate, face, pack up, discriminate (or discern), judge (or decide), withdraw and co-operate) in terms of their application in everyday life — all of which we have discussed and shared with our readers previously.
Wonderful Message For You For The Day
Fortune is in one’s own hands.
What it tells you: To have fortune in one’s own hands doesn’t mean to have it in the lines of one’s hands. It means to have the ability to make the best use of all the resources available. When they are put to the best use, they naturally increase. Through right actions one can draw the line of fortune as long as desired.
What you should experience: When I understand the significance of my actions and create an elevated fortune for myself through right actions, I am able to experience constant progress in my life. I also naturally become an inspiration for others too, so that they can discover their inner resources to create an elevated fortune for themselves.
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