What is Self-control?
Self-control is not about suppressing emotions or tolerating the pressure of circumstances. Self-control is to be the creator of your thoughts and feelings, to be creative and find new answers. This helps you to remain calm and cool.
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As is the Consciousness, So is the Feeling Behind the Task
Sometimes, while doing even a special task, our consciousness tends to become ordinary because of negative feelings for the self or others. Such thoughts make even a special task into an ordinary one. So what has to be done in a beautiful way is done in a very ordinary way. So there is a tendency just to perform the action and finish the task at hand, which does not bring specialty and accuracy as much as it should. We need to understand that as is consciousness, so is the feeling behind the task and its quality.
When we are able to start each task with a special consciousness, like “I am victorious,” “I am powerful,” or “this task is for the benefit of all,” we are able to experience the specialty of doing the task. We are also able to increase our state of self-respect, whatever the task or however simple it may be.
How to Listen to the Voice of the Intellect?

The intellect is the subtle or non-physical sense organ of the non-physical soul which we use to judge something as right or wrong, good or bad, and then make a choice or decision.
When we are body-conscious, we are attached to many things such as people, roles, objects, money, even our own ideas, beliefs, etc. Due to these attachments, we are constantly creating emotions of fear and anger in the energy of our consciousness. These two emotions then overpower or influence our intellect and stop us from judging clearly and correctly between right and wrong. This constant inner emotional noise of worry and irritation (the seeds of fear and anger) does not allow us to hear the deepest part of our intellect, which is our intuition.
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When we are soul-conscious, we are free from attachment, fear, and anger. Our consciousness is calm, focused, and keenly aware of our intuition’s quiet but extremely wise voice (inner wisdom). Decision-making is easier, and choices are made out of wisdom rather than fear.
Meditation is the method that helps us rise above our mental attachments and allow us to connect with the wisdom in our heart, our intuition, and our inner voice, which suggests what the right response or action in any situation is.
A practical example of this is when, after being persuaded by your family members, you decide not to smoke anymore. You let go of the attachment to ‘my’ belief that there is nothing wrong with smoking, which then allows you to listen to the heart of the other (their feelings) and your own heart or intellect, which suggests to you the right action for your well-being in the long run.
Wonderful Message For You For The Day
The easiest way to bring positivity in life is to become worthy of God’s love.
What it tells you: A simple checking whether to perform an action or not is to see if it would be approved by God. When every action is thus checked, there would be positivity and benefit expressed through everything. There would not be any negative, waste, or even ordinary actions performed, but only those that are sealed with the power of positivity.
What you should experience: When I can bring such positivity in my life, I’ll win not only the love of God but also the love, praise, and good wishes of all those around me. I also become trustworthy and an image of support for those who are seeking to bring positivity to their lives.