A View – Pessimist to Optimist
If you have the habit of seeing things from a pessimistic viewpoint, then all you need to do is broaden your scope for a moment and step outside of your negative perspective.
View the situation from a different light. See the opportunity in every difficulty, not the difficulty in every opportunity.
Focus on the possibilities and not the impossibilities.
Be more optimistic and you’ll be healthier and less stressed than when you were a pessimist.
Let’s Focus on the Present
Worries are an illusion. They make you live in the future, giving you the belief that you are very busy and takes you away from the present. Worries are an excuse for not doing what you really have to be doing. A reactive person appears very busy and worried. With worry, no problems can be resolved. A proactive person focuses attention on the present, acts with initiative, and the understanding that being calm and free from worry is far more effective.
Are You Aware Of The Mirrors For Inner Beauty?
Before starting this awesome topic, let me make sure you visit my super powerful and valuable shop to receive the best at the best price. If you haven’t visited my small yet profound shop, I welcome you from the bottom of my heart. Here, you can shop like never before! I keep adding more stuff there. Your help and contributions are always appreciated! Please do visit here: https://neelamravi.com/payhip

“Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” are famous words. To check our external beauty or tidiness, we look into the mirror on the wall each day. But on a mental, emotional and spiritual level, what is the mirror that helps you to see if there is anything wrong with your inner face or self or to realize what is happening to you and what you have to do to maintain your inner fairness or beauty?
There are three types of mirrors which one can use to see or check the internal self:
A) The first mirror is the mirror of spiritual knowledge
Spiritual knowledge is the knowledge related to spiritual self-development i.e. of the soul and also of the Supreme Soul. Each day, in the morning, you can look into this mirror for 5 minutes at least. Looking into this mirror means listening to or reading a piece of spiritual knowledge for at least 5 minutes that connects you to your inner essence, increases your emotional and spiritual intelligence as well as reminds you of your true purpose.
You will see yourself very clearly in this mirror as this mirror will show you:
- the knowledge of the original and ideal virtues of the soul like peace, love, bliss, purity, power, joy etc.;
- how these virtues can be imbibed in the self to benefit the self and others;
- the knowledge of the different types of weaknesses that can arise in the soul like anger, greed, ego, hatred, fear, attachment, jealousy, sorrow, etc., the roots of all which lie in mis-identification with the physical self and forgetting the spiritual self and how these weaknesses can harm the self and others;
- the knowledge of overcoming these weaknesses.
All of these things which you see in the mirror will help you to check where you stand in comparison to the right code of conduct for thoughts, feelings, attitudes, emotions, words and actions, where you are going wrong and how you can make the required corrections in the same. On looking into this mirror you will be reminded of the Law of Karma (the Law of Action and Reaction), which will motivate you to make these corrections.
This mirror will also show you the Supreme Soul and it will remind you about His virtues and actions which will help you check where you stand in comparison to Him in terms of virtues and actions and will influence you to follow him by imbibing those virtues and performing actions in the similar way. Lastly this mirror will remind you of your relationship with the Supreme and forging a deep and personal connection with Him in different ways which will benefit you and others.
B) The second mirror is the mirror of meditation
In the silence of meditation which is a connection or the experience of a relationship with the inner self and the Supreme Soul, each day you come close to and dive deep into both of them. When you create powerful, positive thoughts about the self and you also visualize your true spiritual self, you feel and experience your true virtuous being, what you are — radiant and free of all influences. That experience helps you to see yourself as you really are and in contrast to how you are now. Perhaps you feel peaceless, disturbed and dejected today, but by creating thoughts of peace and contentment in meditation you quickly realize that in reality that is your true nature. In that way, it serves as a mirror for self realization and checking and changing.
So a good practice then is to look into this mirror and check yourself once in the morning before the day’s activities and once before sleeping for 10 minutes each time. Also, since this is the most powerful mirror, it is extremely vital to carry this mirror with you throughout the day and check yourself in it for one minute after every hour.
C) The third mirror is the mirror of your own thoughts, words, and actions
What you think and feel about yourself and others is invisible to others and only you know what it is. But you radiate your thoughts, feelings, emotions and attitudes through your facial expressions, your eyes, your words, your body language and your actions when you interact with others. That way your words and your actions act as a mirror in which to see yourself. You achieve this when you are a detached observer and you become aware of your responses, your reactions and how you express what arises from within you.
Finally and most importantly, always do remember that those who use these three mirrors actively and use them well to ensure that their internal self looks good and beautiful all the time become living mirrors for others. People who come in contact with them are able to see accurately what their internal self looks like. On seeing how beautiful and perfect they are, other people quickly realize their shortcomings or weaknesses and also take inspiration to become as beautiful, clean and virtuous beings as them.
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Wonderful Message For You For The Day
To check regularly means to bring about a change.
What it tells you: When there is any negative action performed, there is an immediate feeling of guilt and a desire not to perform it again. But the checking also needs to be at a level where it never repeats again. Maintaining a chart of one’s own weakness means checking regularly. Such checking brings about a permanent change.
What you should experience: When I am able to maintain a chart where I could monitor my own progress, I am able to remain committed to my transformation. Adverse situations or people will never deter me, but I am able to bring about the desired change. I am able to continue the process of transformation even when what I seek to change is not harmful in the present phase of my life. Thus regular checking will prevent carelessness from creeping in.