Key to Inspiration
How can we serve others around us?
By making our lives inspirational and interacting with tact and wisdom. We should be so cheerful and our lives such examples that they say, ‘Here is an angel.’
Some of us also hold the belief that a ‘positive thinker’ walks with a broad smile on his face all day long and thinks ‘everything is great. But ‘positive thinking’ is an inner matter, a mental attitude. It is a way of looking at life’s circumstances. It teaches us to act instead of only reacting, to get a firm hold on our life again, and not be influenced by others or circumstances.
Are You Angry?
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We become a little irritated when we are stuck in a traffic jam, and we are getting late to reach somewhere on time, or we are not going to complete a particular task, as per our expectations or if someone whom we very well know decides to ignore us today, for some reason or the other. If this seed of irritation is watered, or in other words, given the concentrated energy of our attention, i.e., we continue with the irritation for some time, it slowly grows or evolves into frustration. Unless we take some constructive inner action to stop the growth of the frustration and we keep energizing it, it will grow or evolve into anger. And if this happens regularly and we are not careful, it will become a habit, a part of our personality, which we will finally come to believe is a natural part of our nature. We will even think we were born with it — ‘it is ‘in our genes.’
Every time we become angry, we cause the production of certain chemicals in our body, and we also become addicted to those chemicals — then we look for people and situations which will give us an excuse to get angry so that we can have our daily dose of chemicals. We not only become attached to material objects, people, ways of thinking, beliefs, etc. — we also become attached to our emotions like the emotion of anger. The regular secretion of these chemicals will finally kill our bodies. We don’t need to kill our bodies. We need to accept that anger is never productive, know that it is just not necessary to be angry with anyone or about anything, and know that it is entirely our own creation and that we can choose a different response. If we understand and accept that, we will experience freedom from it.
Understanding Consciousness?
We all are energy, sometimes called the Soul. The Soul is conscient energy, aware of its own existence. Consciousness can be described as the feeling “I am” or “I exist.” If you examine any thought-decision-action process, you will find that behind it, there is always the feeling: “I am something or the other.” In other words, the Soul reacts to external circumstances according to how it regards itself at that particular moment. Consciousness is thus the springboard for thought, decisions and actions.
For example, a doctor can perform an operation when there is the consciousness of being a doctor. That very consciousness unlocks or gives the Soul access to all the information and experience related to being a doctor. The Soul, when it has the consciousness of being a soul, can have instant access to its original qualities. There are two different basic levels of consciousness; “I am a body” or “I am a soul,” the former illusory (false) and the latter real. When the feeling is “I am a body,” the thought process is trapped in the limitations, problems, and vision of the physical identity. Its reaction to others is on the same level.
Message For This Entire Week
Mercy means to give support to the ones who are helpless.
What it tells you: A negative situation or a person who is in need and is helpless usually stimulates feelings of unhappiness or sorrow. At such a time, it becomes challenging to maintain a positive state of mind. But real mercy is that which gives support through the positive state of one’s mind. The more there is the feeling of happiness, others too can be brought to that state of happiness and joy.
What you should experience: When I can remain happy even in negative situations, I can maintain my internal state of calm. And this is the best frame of mind where I can see things objectively and in a detached way and make the right decisions. So, I find myself becoming a source of support.