Patience is the Key
What cannot be achieved with pressure can easily be achieved with patience.
Patience gives you the time to chip away at your dream and turn it into a reality. It tells you not to push, not to rush; there is a reason and a season for everything.
And when things go wrong, patience tempers the feeling of failure and buffers the heart. It teaches you to keep your cool. A cool head knows when to wait and when to act.
You Are Sweet
Although there is an understanding of the need for being sweet in words and interactions, many times we find ourselves being rude to people. Although we try a lot to be nice and sweet (we are successful a few times too!) yet we are not able to sustain this all the time. There is some kind of negativity directly or indirectly expressed through our words and actions. This further creates negativity in our minds. When we are able to keep our mind sweet, i.e., free from any kind of bitterness or ill-feelings, we are able to experience the beauty of life. There is no feeling of sorrow or negativity but the mind is nurtured to further positivity with everything that comes our way. So we are further open to all that is nice and beautiful and we express our own freshness and beauty in interactions. We are then able to experience constant growth and progress.
You Are Filled With Divine Energy
Every day, in the morning, we all need to recharge our spiritual battery, the energy of which has been used the previous day. This is extremely important, otherwise the light of our consciousness becomes dim, thoughts become unfocused and decisions are filled with un-clarity and doubt. This energy is available inside and outside. Inside us we have a spiritual centre, at the center of our consciousness, pure spiritual energy. This is what we are. However access to this energy is now blocked by our attachments, many negative life experiences and many incorrect beliefs and perceptions (way of looking at situations). Outside us we have the Supreme Soul, the source, the Supreme Being or Supreme Spiritual Energy. Both these sources are invisible to our physical eyes but only one second away when we are able to quieten and focus our mind on them. The method of doing this is called meditation, which connects us to both sources of power — that’s why meditation is the way to spiritually nourish the soul, the nourishment that the soul longs for immensely. Sit quietly and connect your mind to each source and allow yourself to recharge.
Let me define success
Given below are some definitions of success:
- Feeling yourself to be full of inner contentment and happiness, with an optimistic mental state, without fear, happy and in a good mood. Being fine, in balance and at peace with oneself.
- Finding meaning in what you do.
- Discovering what will bring you closer to your dream.
- Success is about more than just possessing; it is facing all situations, even the negative ones, transforming them into the positive and feeling yourself realized, personally and emotionally.
- Having courage to take forward what you want, in spite of what you find against it.
- Achieving in each moment the desired objectives at all levels of the inner being. Fulfilling set objectives and adopting a positive attitude.
- Being able to be beyond noise i.e. experience silence wherever and whenever you wish to — silence being the key to all spiritual treasures.
- Remaining humble in the wake of all achievements and glory that may come your way.
- Not being afraid of failure.
- Satisfaction at work.
- In harmony with one’s inner conscience (while performing all actions).
Wonderful Message For You For The Day
To be a giver is to be flexible.
What it tells you: The one who does not expect from others, but is able to give others from whatever resources he has, is the one who is flexible. Being flexible means to be able to recognize the other person’s value system and moulding one self according to it without losing touch with one’s own value system.
What you should experience: When I am a giver, I do not expect others to change according to my value system, but am very easily able to find a way to adapt to the other person’s value system. I never expect from others to understand me, but am able to understand others. So there is never any feeling of negativity for anyone.
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