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This book covers all these aspects of self-motivation in detail. It also explains how to apply the OBGACT formula when you feel like quitting. The magical techniques described in this book are a bonus to eliminate negative thoughts & emotions & remain self-motivated. This book will change how you perceive self-motivation while stripping self-motivation itself of its mystique.

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$14.99eBook: $0.99

This book is a perfect blend of scientific and spiritual perspectives that explains the importance of the early morning wee hours. And at the same time, it explains the consequences of not getting up in the early morning. While reading this book, you should also be able to identify various reasons that you are unable to wake up early by choice.

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manifest WEALTH & ABUNDANCE as you read

manifest WEALTH & ABUNDANCE as you read

$19.99eBook: $9.99

I have written this book as a way to help you create wealth in every part of your life! It hands over to you the keys to a life of success, fulfillment, wholeness, and plenty. It teaches you how you can be open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe. It takes your thinking to the next level where you realize that money is not just a number or a piece of paper, but it is much more than that. You recognize the divine energy of money and learn how you can attract it in abundance just by practicing and knowing the power of Thank You!

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Immediate Action

Immediate Action

$12.99eBook: $4.99

This book compels you to take Immediate Action and aids in breaking your procrastinator's club membership.

I appreciate you reading this book description. I'm confident that this book's concepts and tried-and-true tips will benefit you just as much as they have helped hundreds of my clients and me. In fact, I hope this book completely transforms your life.

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