Gratitude – Let the Universe Do Its Magic

Gratitude – Let the Universe Do Its Magic

$14.99eBook: $0.99

Gratitude is the magical force that can transform your life and bring you closer to the happiness you seek. Throughout its captivating journey, this book explores the depths of Gratitude, delving into its essence & unravelling its wonders.

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The Power of Thank You

The Power of Thank You

$9.99eBook: $2.99

As Dr. Neelam always believes - "Thankfulness is the beginning of Gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of Thankfulness." She wrote this book to make you understand the power of gratefulness and inculcate the qualities needed for Gratitude. This book explains Gratitude in such a simple yet profound way that you can practice it easily to change your life. This will teach you an attitude you can wear every day as you wear your clothes and jewelry. With the help of this book, you will be able to attract every marvelous thing you want into your life.

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The Art of Forgiveness

The Art of Forgiveness

$15.99eBook: $0.99

In this groundbreaking book, Ravi intertwines psychological research, personal anecdotes, and spiritual wisdom, creating a tapestry of knowledge and inspiration that invites you to embark on a transformative journey toward inner peace and emotional liberation.

This book is an essential guide for anyone seeking to break free from the chains of resentment, heal their wounds, and embrace a life of compassion, joy, and authentic connection.

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$14.99eBook: $0.99

This book is a perfect blend of scientific and spiritual perspectives that explains the importance of the early morning wee hours. And at the same time, it explains the consequences of not getting up in the early morning. While reading this book, you should also be able to identify various reasons that you are unable to wake up early by choice.

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$14.99eBook: $2.99

This book covers all these aspects of self-motivation in detail. It also explains how to apply the OBGACT formula when you feel like quitting. The magical techniques described in this book are a bonus to eliminate negative thoughts & emotions & remain self-motivated. This book will change how you perceive self-motivation while stripping self-motivation itself of its mystique.

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