manifest WEALTH & ABUNDANCE as you read

Stop Thinking About Your Money Problems, Upgrade Your Mindset with the Power of THANK YOU, & Embrace the Process of Giving the Money, Not Just Receiving It!

I have written this book as a way to help you create wealth in every part of your life! It hands over to you the keys to a life of success, fulfillment, wholeness, and plenty. It teaches you how you can be open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe. It takes your thinking to the next level where you realize that money is not just a number or a piece of paper, but it is much more than that. You recognize the divine energy of money and learn how you can attract it in abundance just by practicing and knowing the power of Thank You!

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About the Book

Why must you read this book?

  • Ever wondered what the difference between money goals and wealth goals is?
  • Are you living in a mindset of lack and limitation?
  • Do you feel you are not good enough to make more money?
  • Are you searching for the keys to success and money abundance in your life but failing to find that?

Then, your search ends here as this book is now in your hands!

Manifest wealth abundance through the power of thank you

I have written this book as a way to help you create wealth in every part of your life! It hands over to you the keys to a life of success, fulfillment, wholeness, and plenty. It teaches you how you can be open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe. After reading and implementing the practical advice mentioned in this book on developing a sense of wealth abundance in times of fear and insecurity, you start experiencing wealth abundance in your life. It takes your thinking to the next level where you realize that money is not just a number or a piece of paper, but it is much more than that. You recognize the divine energy of money and learn how you can attract it in abundance just by practicing and knowing the power of Thank You!

Identify and eliminate limiting beliefs about money

Most of us have a lot of ingrained beliefs around money that can be really limiting, and we often don’t even realize it. This book is a practical guide that guides you in identifying your limiting beliefs about money and eliminating them using some of the most profound techniques. This book teaches you to unpack the myths of money scarcity and how to embrace the process of giving money, not just receiving it.


If you think – money can’t buy happiness, it comes only to those who work hard, asking for money for your services is bad, money is the root of all the evils, there isn’t enough money around, having money is selfish, money is hard to earn and easy to lose, etc. – then this book can change all your beliefs and make you realize that money has the ability to smile, it changes when it is given with a particular emotion, and the energy with which it imbues us impacts not only ourselves but others as well. Overall, it makes you realize that if you love and respect money, the money will be drawn towards you with the same love and affection. Money loves you if you love money; it is as simple as that!

Upgrade your mindset and level up your wealth frequency

Many of us are ignorant that the real cause of our financial problems is not the money but our own frequency. This book teaches you how to work on wealth frequency instead of fixing your money problems. Throughout this book, you learn to treat money as a welcome guest, allowing it to come and go with love, respect, and without resentment.

Receive my blessings

This is not just a book but my blessings and divine wishes that may help you look at your life differently and transform your relationship with money.

May abundance come to you in many forms, and the universe shower its gifts upon you!

If you want to strengthen your bond with money and manifest WEALTH ABUNDANCE as you read, grab this book NOW and start reading! After reading this book, I promise you will definitely say – “Wow, this book is wonderfully divine! I’ve never thought of money this wonderfully! I am sorry, money; Please forgive me; I thank you; I love you! Thank you, universe!”

Series: Self-Help Master Series, Book 3
Genres: Gratitude, Motivation, Non-fiction, Self-help
Tags: abundance, money, Recommended Books, wealth
Publisher: NEERA Publication
Publication Year: 2023
List Price: 19.99
eBook Price: 9.99
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About the Author
Ravi L Tewari

Ravi Tewari is a bestselling author in the field of self-help & development and a life coach, mentor, and motivational speaker. Visit and get access to "31 Most Powerful Thoughts For The Day To Bring Self-Transformation In You" for FREE.

Ravi started his career as a software developer at Wipro Technologies, and now after 12 years of IT experience, he is the founder & CEO of IoT Meeting Hub™. He is a certified Ho'oponopono, EFT, and Crystal healer as well. He loves to conduct workshops and webinars to teach people about these ancient and profound techniques. His motivational classes & speeches are solely based on his own experiences and learnings that inspire many people to live a more rewarding and fulfilling life. He believes in sharing knowledge and giving 10x values.

In his books, Ravi shares over 12 years of practical knowledge and the profound wisdom he gained from an early age about resilience, resourcefulness, self-discovery, and self-management. He believes in turning the life lessons into actionable steps and developing a healthy relationship with yourself, with others, and ultimately with life itself.

He has written several books like "SELF-MOTIVATION like CRAZY," "from NIGHT-OWL to MORNING-LARK," "manifest WEALTH & ABUNDANCE as you read," "GRATITUDE - LET THE UNIVERSE DO ITS MAGIC" to spread knowledge and practical tips from his own life.

He is now on a mission to spread positivity, success, happiness, health, abundance, and prosperity to the lives of many people.

Visit him:

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