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Navigating Amazon’s New Policy on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 4 Steps – Generated Content: What Authors Need to Know

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In recent days, Amazon, the global giant in online retail and publishing, has unveiled a new facet to its Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform. This development has raised eyebrows and ignited curiosity among authors worldwide.

Amazon is now asking authors to disclose whether they have utilized Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the creation of substantial portions of their work, encompassing text, artwork, or translation.

This is a significant stride towards recognizing the growing impact of AI in the realm of literature and self-publishing.

Defining AI-Generated Content

To begin, it is crucial to grasp Amazon’s definition of Artificial Intelligence – generated content. They classify it into two categories:

  1. AI-Generated: We define AI-generated content as text, images, or translations created by an AI-based tool. If you used an AI-based tool to create the actual content (whether text, images, or translations), it is considered “AI-generated,” even if you applied substantial edits afterwards.
  2. AI-Assisted: If you created the content yourself, and used AI-based tools to edit, refine, error-check, or otherwise improve that content (whether text or images), then it is considered “AI-assisted” and not “AI-generated.” Similarly, if you used an AI-based tool to brainstorm and generate ideas, but ultimately created the text or images yourself, this is also considered “AI-assisted” and not “AI-generated.” It is not necessary to inform us of the use of such tools or processes.

Amazon further quotes – “You are responsible for verifying that all Artificial Intelligence-generated and/or AI-assisted content adheres to all content guidelines, including by complying with all applicable intellectual property rights.”

Below is the screen that will appear during the publishing of your book:

Artificial Intelligence

As soon as you select “Yes,” you need to provide the below options from the dropdown list:

Artificial Intelligence

After choosing the appropriate action from the dropdown, you will have to exclusively mention the name of the tool. See the below screenshot:

Artificial Intelligence

The Intriguing Questions

Now, let’s delve into the underlying questions and implications of this novel policy:

  1. Motivation Behind the Inquiry: Why is Amazon interested in knowing if a work is Artificial Intelligence-generated or Artificial Intelligence-assisted? At first glance, it might seem counterintuitive for a profit-driven entity like Amazon to potentially limit the scope of content on its platform. However, it’s imperative to consider the broader context. Amazon’s keen interest in AI extends beyond this policy. They are undoubtedly conducting market research to glean insights that will undoubtedly prove invaluable for their own AI initiatives. This insight could shape the future landscape of content creation and distribution.
  2. The Honesty Conundrum: If Amazon were to take a stance against AI-generated content, there arises a potential dilemma of honesty versus practicality. It’s conceivable that authors, in fear of their works being rejected, might opt for non-disclosure of Artificial Intelligence involvement. This poses a challenge for Amazon in terms of enforcement and verification. It raises a fundamental question: how does Amazon intend to verify the veracity of author disclosures?
  3. Enforcement of the Policy: The enforcement of this policy brings its own set of complexities. Currently, there are AI detectors available, but their accuracy is not infallible. These detectors have been known to produce false positives, leading to an inherent level of uncertainty. Furthermore, the process of scanning an entire book for Artificial Intelligence-generated content can be both labor-intensive and expensive. It remains to be seen how Amazon plans to navigate these challenges.

Anticipating the Future

As of now, there is no indication that AI-generated books will be treated differently within the Amazon store. However, this policy signifies a significant milestone in the intersection of AI and literature. We can anticipate a multitude of questions, debates, and possibly revisions to this policy as Amazon continues to refine and clarify its stance.


In conclusion, this development by Amazon holds promise and raises intriguing questions about the future of Artificial Intelligence in the literary world. As authors, it’s imperative that we remain vigilant and attuned to these shifts, for they may very well shape the way we create and distribute content in the years to come.

Ultimately, the synergy between human creativity and artificial intelligence is a journey that promises to be both transformative and enriching for authors and readers alike. Let’s embark on this voyage with curiosity, open-mindedness, and a keen sense of exploration.

Happy writing!

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Shweta Yelve

    Very useful content clarifying the difference between AI assisted and AI generated content. It will help authors to adapt to the changing policies of Amazon.

  2. Anita

    A useful article. A good one.

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