#5 Bullets: Come & Join Me To Learn About Overcoming Communication Fear

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Credit goes to Joe Pearson @ https://unsplash.com/@enterjoesmind

Communication Fear: The Background

An Honest Heart

An open heart is one that is sincere. We are in hiding if we lie to anyone, whether it be ourselves or someone else. Behind a wall or other barrier, we bury a part of ourselves. Most of us learn to cope with the subtle strain, yet it drains our energy and tightens our muscles. Conversely, don’t be overly honest with others; instead, check their pulse since occasionally they aren’t ready to hear what’s on your mind. But remember that being honest will allow you to relax on an inner level you never knew was even conceivable.

Consider yourself performing on a world stage; each act will be unique.

Verify each action you take throughout the day. Do you act in a way that inspires others, or are your activities just wasteful and ordinary?

Make the mantra “I am on this world stage, each and every action I make is being seen by many and will inspire others” a strong part of your daily routine. When you have this practice, you will have attention to your actions, and they will become special.

Overcoming Communication Fear

It may be a result of personal insecurity when you fear expressing clearly, for example, before attending a job interview. In order to be more secure, confident, and authoritative, you must work on it. It takes time and practice to be confident and able to speak and express oneself with authority. Most importantly, you must value yourself to feel safe in such circumstances, especially when the person you are dealing with is in a position of power. Self-worth results in feelings of security and fearlessness.

Typically, when someone is asked to describe their personality or basic character traits, they talk about their flaws. One very rarely talks about his or her favorable personality qualities or strengths. It takes reflection to realize your strengths. One of the simplest ways to accomplish this is through meditation, which is based on a total spiritual understanding of the self. Once you realize your strengths, you can value yourself immensely. If you value yourself, it does not matter so much to you whether other values you or not.

However, if you aren’t able to value yourself, then doubts exist: “Let’s see if this person values or respects me,” “Perhaps this job is not for me,” and “Perhaps my communication skills are not very good.” Then you require praise and admiration. You rely on others to provide it to you since you are unable to give it to yourself (because you are unaware of your strengths).

You need to understand how special you are and how much you are worth. It is their loss if the other person does not value you; they are giving up something priceless. Your words and body language will be sharp, assured, and stable if you have a strong sense of who you are and a raised consciousness.

You appreciate yourself inside, and if you value yourself, it will be simpler for others to value you as well. On the other hand, if you don’t respect and like yourself, you’ll attract more of the same energy from other people.

Recognizing the Birth-Life-Death-Rebirth Cycle

The understanding that one’s soul is an eternal (always present) energy automatically raises the following queries:

  • Where does the soul reside before entering a body?
  • After leaving the body, where does the soul go?
  • What does the world drama serve to accomplish?

Humans are highly concerned about these issues, but there is currently no absolute proof that there is an afterlife.

Credit goes to Tolga Ulkan @ https://unsplash.com/@tolga__

Most people agree that the world is organized in some way, but because the soul is bound by physical wants and sensual desires, it is impossible to comprehend this order when we observe our drama through body-consciousness eyes. The soul is unable to see things clearly when they are body-conscious. One only considers “life after death” when they are close to passing away. Everyone must confront the sudden loss of a loved one, the departure of the personality, and the transient nature of the physical body during funerals. Everyone hopes the departed soul goes to “heaven” rather than “hell” when they pass away.

Message for the day

While working on a task, achievement comes easily with good intentions and sincere feelings.

What it tells you: The outcome obtained by those feelings is automatically remarkable if there are positive feelings for both the task and the person performing it. No matter what somebody is like, the emotion of offering love and cooperation conveys pure feelings and well wishes. Such positive emotions have a profound effect that changes not only the individual but also the environment.

What you should experience: I can only appreciate the results of my own clean ideas when I can keep my own positive feelings for others. Despite the occasional disagreements we have because of the diverse personalities we work with, I appreciate our collaboration. As a result, there are also positive feelings from the other person, and success comes easily.

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