The Magic Wand: Today I’ll Give You A Magic Wand Using Which You Can Change Other’s Behaviour

The Magic Wand
Pic Credit to Almos Bechtold

The Magic Wand

Can you really change others’ behavior? Do you really want to do that?

We can educate them about their actions and kindly ask them to change their behavior. Accept that you cannot change others when they refuse to make the required changes.

You are the only person you can change. Be flexible, adapt, and modify your expectations to account for their actions.

If you change, you can also influence those around you to change, but don’t count on others to do the same.

Divine Help

People frequently describe experiencing heavenly strength and help when they are on the verge of breaking. Actually, heavenly assistance is always available, but since we are typically so busy going about things in our own unique manner, we rarely seek it out until we are completely defeated. The ability to continually seek God’s assistance is what gives enlightened beings their calm attitude. True surrender will result in the sense of victory in all that we accomplish.

Various Levels of Attachment to Ideas and Opinions

Frequently, members of a group or team — social or professional — will contribute their opinions in order to further the team’s goal while working toward a shared goal, objective, or purpose. Two distinct groups of persons are frequently seen while expressing an opinion.

The first category includes people of a certain type who, when presenting their ideas to the group, are emotionally attached to them to varying degrees, while the second category includes people of a different type who, when called upon to do so, are incredibly active, positive, and authoritative in expressing their ideas while still maintaining a detachment from them.

When an idea that someone is attached to is rejected, that person may respond emotionally (internally) or even physically (externally). He or she may do one of the following:

Pic Credit to Thomas Park

These and other behaviors are typical responses from people whose ideas are rejected.

Therefore, it’s important to maintain a healthy balance between assertiveness (when giving the idea) and humility (while accepting the idea’s outcome, which could be rejection or even approval of the idea). Someone who is not attached to their notion has a natural tendency toward humility.

Message for the day

The winner never gives up until the win is secured.

What it tells you: The person who strives for achievement never gives up when obstacles, whether they are people or situations, come their way. There will never be a victory if justifications are made for leaving or withdrawing from the conflict. Being successful entails making efforts frequently in order to advance successfully in a consistent and constant manner.

What you should experience: When I have the goal of winning, I don’t care about temporary failures, obstacles, or trying circumstances. I would have only one goal in mind: to win, and I would feel victorious both in defeat and in triumph. Additionally, because I still have assistance, I’ll never consider myself alone. Naturally, I would feel the comfort and company of people around me.

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