Money Beliefs – This Will Change Your Perception — “how closely are your self-image and money beliefs related?”

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Credit goes to chester wade @

Money Beliefs

Hi You! How closely is your self-image and your money beliefs related?

I say — it’s very!

You should be able to tell when your self-esteem is low since your complaints will sound like “I deserve this” or “I deserve that”! But if you have a high self, you won’t even think to complain because you’ll probably already have everything you desire.

Focusing on the negative — about what we don’t have, what we want but can’t seem to acquire, or what we should have but don’t — is a clear indication that your money beliefs and your self-image are not only in crisis but have likely been so for some time.

Such issues do not arise suddenly. We have formed these habits over the course of our lives. But based on all those unfavorable ideas and feelings of deficiency and deserving, the Law of Attraction states that the reality we are currently experiencing is something we ourselves made and attracted to.

Because such beliefs have been ingrained in us for such a long time, it can be quite difficult to let them go. Where exactly did we acquire such ideas?

Your Money Guide

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Like all beliefs, some of them about how the world functions we pick up even before we can talk! Many of our beliefs come from our parents or the individuals who raised us. Then, as we develop into older kids and teenagers, we absorb a lot of beliefs from friends, siblings, teachers, and other significant influences in our lives. In fact, many of our beliefs originate from our grandparents as well, unless you had parents who were aware of the origins of their own ideas and took steps to rewrite them in a more positive and healthy way.

It takes time and effort to change your beliefs, but it is possible with a little bit of high emotional awareness, intention, and the effort to remind yourself of your inner truths whenever an old belief shows up to say hello once again.

Your Crazy Guide

If you’re interested, I hope you’ll stop by and check out my book, which is entirely dedicated to rewriting and healing your old, painful beliefs into plentiful and healthy ones.

You can find it here.

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